


发布时间: 来源:互联网 浏览量:4739



  I have been working at a public high school for over ten years. Though I always teach students of the seventh grade.I never feel tired of that. Over the first few weeks of every school year, my most important job is getting to know well about those little strangers in my class-discovering their personal wishes and learning about their former study and life experiences. For me this getting- to-know-you process is a very important part of my teaching, and I have developed many ways to"research"my students,including parent questionnaires(向卷)and students’ letters of self- introduction.

  1 like to give out parent questionnaires. These questionnaires are useful for me to learn about my students' lives at home. From these questionnaires,I learn much about my students as well as their parents.

  Another way to"research" my students is to read their letters of self-introduction, l always ask each student to write me a letter as the first piece of homework. They need to tell me all about themselves.I share with them my letter of self-introduction as an example. And 1 make sure my students know that ! really want to learn about them so that I can help them in the best way.

  These getting-to-know-you activities, which last a whole year. are just the beginning of a long process for me to know about my students. I never take the first impressions as the final ones. Instead,I keep "researching"my students during the rest of the year in all possible ways.

  41.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author____.

  A.loves to lean about his students at a primary school

  C.feels tired of teaching students

  D.chooses to teach seventh-graders

  42. The author thinks that the parent questionnaire helps to

  A.get students’ home addresses

  B. give students parents a test

  C.understand students learning styles

  D.learn about the students family life

  43.Which of the following is true about the student's letter of self-introduction ?

  A.It should be completed in class.

  B.It tells mainly about the student's parents.

  C.It's the students first piece of homework.

  D.It helps the student learn about the teacher.

  44.According to the last paragraph, the getting-to-know-you activities_.

  A. stop after the first few weeks

  B.last for twelve months

  C.leave students with good impressions students do research

  45.What is the best title for the passage?

  A.Working at a Public School

  B.Getting to Know My Students

  C.How to Design Parent Questionnaires

  D.How to Write a Self-introduction Letter

  Galileo Galilei was born in 1564,He was born in the town of Pisa, in what is now Italy.When he was 20 years old, he was studying in Pisa. Galileo was bored with school. The only subject he really liked was math. Because he was doing well in math. the court mathematician(数学家)offered to teach him privately. He said Galileo could become an excellent mathematician. However,Galileo's father wanted him to be a doctor.

  Because he needed to earn money after leaving school,Galileo began experimenting with different things. He tried to come up with an invention he could sell for money. He had some success with one invention. It was a device that could be used to measure land.

  He learned that a Dutch inventor had invented something called spyglass(小望远镜)。 Galileo decided to work out one of his own. Within 24 hours, he invented a telescope(望远镜)。 It could make things appear ten times larger. One night. he pointed his telescope toward the sky. He made his first of many space observations. Everyone thought the moon was smooth. Galileo saw that it wasn't. The moon was covered in hills and large holes.

  As technology improved. Galileo and many others made improvements on the telescope. Today.the telescope is a wonderful device that lets us see objects far, far away.

  46.According to Paragraph 1. Galileo was

  A.interested in math

  B.interested in medicine

  C.born in an inventor's family

  D.born in a mathematician's family

  47.What did the father expect Galileo to be ?

  A.A doctor. B. A teacher.

  C. An inventor. D.A mathematician.

  48.Galileo invented a device to

  A.test other’s inventions

  B.make his father happy experiments

  D.measure land

  49.What made Galileo want to invent his own telescope?

  A.His father's expectation.

  B. His desire to be famous.

  C. The invention of spyglass.

  D.The encouragement from his teacher.

  50.What can we learn about Galileo's telescope according to the passage ?

  A.It helped people to work out many other devices.

  B.It changed Galileo’s understanding of the moon.

  C.It was invented with the help of others.

  D.It was improved by his math teacher.

  Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. This outdoor activity gives us sweet flowers.fresh fruit and vegetables. And it also gives us many health benefits.

  Gardening helps reduce loneliness.When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So you can spend some time with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about their hobbies. and gardeners are no different. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing and sharing stories about their gardens.

  Gardening is a healthy activity for children. It gets families outdoors and off computers, televisions and other electronics. Children can learn about nature and wildlife.Gardening can teach children how to eat healthily and where food comes from. It can also help them understand the limits of natural resources(资源)and the importance of using them carefully.

  Also,when you garden. you must move around. All the different movements needed for gardening-bending.stretching(伸展)and lifting-have the effect of doing exercise. So you can easily get a good workout.

  Studies found that the elderly could benefit most from gardening because they may have a much lower chance of getting brain disease. Activities such as gardening use many repeated actions. These actions have a calming effect on the brain. The brain is still active but not in the same way as when we use computers.

  In our technology-filled lives. gardening offers a chance to relax. Growing flowers, even in a couple of pots at your city home, connects you to nature and pleases all of your senses.

  51.When gardening, people can reduce their loneliness by_.

  A. showing off their skills

  B.thinking about stories of gardens

  C.helping others give up bad hobbies

  D.spending time with their neighbors

  52.Gardening can help children to with wild animals outdoors with their family

  C.get away from electronic devices

  D.learn various ways of cooking

  53.What does the underlined word "workout” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

  A.Rest. B.Physical exercise.

  C.Job. D.Gardening skill.

  54.From Paragraph 5.we know that gardening

  A.helps the brain calm down B.needs few repeated actions

  C. connects the elderly with nature

  D. makes the brain work as computers do

  55.In which section of a magazine can we probably find this passage?

  A.Technology. B.Education. C.Health. D. Economy.


  All day long.the radio stations played Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech. It 56____(make)on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 57____August 28.1963."1 have a dream…” was broadcast over and over again. Five-year-old Daria asked her father 58___it meant. Before the father could answer, her elder sister, Janna. jumped into the conversation.

  "We have studied about Dr.King at school. Our teacher says that he helped our country realize that it is wrong 59___(treat)people differently because of the color of 60___(they)skins.Do you remember all your 61___(dream)about things you want to come true.Daria? Well,Dr.King had a dream that some day all people would be treated 62___(equal)。”

  Janna's father took her in his arms. He said."The world 63___(be)very different when I grew up.Girls.people like Dr. King have made this country 64___fairer place.I hope it will be even 65___(good)for you in the future."


  66. _________(沿着这条街走五分钟),and you will see the cinema.

  67. Running is_________(我最喜爱的体育运动).

  68. To our surprise,_________(他没有参加本次会议)

  69. ________(我认为有必要)to discuss the matter in class.

  70. ________(天气很冷)in winter here.


  【写作内容】你是班长李华刚接到学校电话通知,下周一全体学生要去博物馆参观,原定的班会将推迟召开请用英语给外国交换生(exchange student)Tom写一张留言条告知此事,并请Tom转告其他交换生.


  答案:阅读理解:41-45.ADCBB 46-50.AADCB 51-55.DCBAC

  语法填空:56.was made 57.on 58.what 59. to treat 60.their 61.dream

  62. equally 63.had been 64.a 65.better


  66. Walk along the street for 5 minutes

  67. my favorite sports

  68. he didn't attend the meeting

  69. I think it necessary

  70. It's cold



上一篇: 2021年广东省高职高考英语真题及答案(一)
下一篇: 2019年广东高职高考语文考试真题
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